home.txt separator by_conspiracy_or_design.js chernobyl.rkt cold_cloud.cc bark.png alone_in_kyoto.hs water.c submarine.ijs compound_eye.rb ants.m flocking.go code_violation.pde blinds.ante clock_in_clock_out.cs firefighting.py irc.py delta_t.bf
#lang racket
 (require file/md5)(define(S n x)(if(=(length x)0)x
 (let([i(list-ref x(random(length x)))])(cons(if(=(
 random(max(floor n)1))0)(md5(~a i n))i)(S n(remove
 i x))))))(for([i(in-range 500)])(sleep(/ 5(+ i 20)
 ))(write(S(- 25(/ i 15))(quote(
;       #"d4b7ab498e494f182f92627d9a38e60f"       ;
[                                                 ]
[ On 26 April 1986                                ]
[                                                 ]
[ You ask me why I drink?                         ]
[                                                 ]
  (I was on the board (agronomy (Pripyat)))
[                                                 ]
[ at the time when word went up                   ]
[                                                 ]
  (I passed a liquidator shouting for vodka
    (no - singing an old party song (a happy one)))
[                                                 ]
[ that our readings were wrong                    ]
[                                                 ]
  (all the old people were oblivious 
    ("an apron (no lead) makes my cow"
      "(Ukrainian Grey) safe to milk"))
[                                                 ]
[ and were the ones on duty and in private theyre ]
[                                                 ]
  (the technical people (from Moscow))
[                                                 ]
[ saying it cant be fixed                         ]
[                                                 ]
  (it will take aeons to clear
    (the earth will be beautiful but barren
      (fooling the media (the usual corruption))))
[                                                 ]
[ and what are chemicals to a peasant?            ]
[                                                 ]
  (an atom (a nucleus (a neutron)))
[                                                 ]
[ But they understood when their portions halved  ]
[                                                 ]
  (and halved again)
[                                                 ]
[ Why dont you?                                   ]
[                                                 ]