/*go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wi*/
#import/*ants ar*/<Foundation/Foundation.h>/*y prepare th*/
/*eir me*/enum/*e s*/{W=79,/*o the an*/H=23};/*r of work */
/*give thought to her ways and be wise the ants are a peo*/
/*pl*/int main/* but t*/(int _,/*a store*/char* __[]) {/**/
/**/char M[W][H];/*ant you lazy p*/memset(M,' ',W*H);/* a*/
/*nd grow wise ants as creatures arent strong but they st*/
NSInteger xi,yi,/*ood in */x=45,y=15,d=0,i=0;/*nt you laz*/
while/*s conside*/(x>=0&&x<W&&y/* wise the ants*/>=0&&y<H){
/*not strong yet they store up their food in the summer g*/
BOOL t=/*e ant you slacke*/M[x][y]=='.'?/*s an*/NO:YES;/**/
/**/M[x][y]=M[x][y]==/*not strong yet t*/'.'?'o':'.';/*r */
/*food in the summer go to the ant thou sluggard consider*/
/*her */d=(4+d+/* wise the ants*/(t?1:-1))%4;switch(d){/**/ 
/*et they provide their food in the summer go to the ant */
case 0:y--;break;/*er*/case 1:x--;break;/* ants they are */
/*weak*/case 2:y++;/**/break;/*food in */case 3:x++;break;}
/*ople should learn a lesson from the way the ants live a*/
/*nts*/for(yi=0;yi<H;yi++)/*es y*/{for(xi=0;xi<W;xi++){/**/
/*in summe*/putchar(xi==x/*t you lazy*/&&yi==y?'@':/*ays */
/*and become wi*/M[xi][yi]);}putchar('\n');}/*ople yet th*/
/*ey provide their food in the summer go to the ant you s*/
/*luggard*/[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.01];/*re a pe*/
/*opl*/i++;}return 0;}/*ey prepare their food in the summ*/
/*er go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be*/
home.txt separator alone_in_kyoto.hs compound_eye.rb flocking.go bark.png Ants.m irc.py by_conspiracy_or_design.js water.c cold_cloud.cc chernobyl.rkt clock_in_clock_out.cs delta_t.bf