home.txt separator by_conspiracy_or_design.js chernobyl.rkt cold_cloud.cc bark.png alone_in_kyoto.hs water.c submarine.ijs compound_eye.rb ants.m flocking.go code_violation.pde blinds.ante clock_in_clock_out.cs firefighting.py irc.py delta_t.bf
       + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>++++++++++>
        +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >
        +++                                      +++
        + + + change in  time  was  completely  + ++
        +++   removed from the vast open space  +++
       ++ +   heated  by the  edges of plants; ++  +
        +++   and we were nearly home; talking   +++
        ++ +  on the muddy roadside our  bikes  +++
        +++   next to  us; using those seconds   +++
       +++    to  rest;  not having slept well  +++
        ++ +  in cold tents  the night  before   +++
        +++                                     + ++
        +++                : : :                 +++
       +++                                       +++
       + ++   now the  box room  is  the color   +++
        [[>   of afternoon  sunlight projected   +>+
        <<-   through the curtains; a slightly  ] > >
       [ < <  darker tone  than in the morning  + >>
      -  ]<   and it will reduce more in time; +  + [
      <  < .  the change  impossible to detect   >> -
        ]<  < from moment  to moment  but as I  < .  >
       > ><   sit  and  work  the  gradient is  [  >+
       > + <  clear;  precisely  I   calculate   <-  ]
     >   > [  a  prediction;  that  in  months  <  <   +
        > > - the  room  will  be  pitch black    ] <  [
     <   [  > and  negative  light  will  pull >  +    >
   +     <  < the walls in  right  through  me  < -    ]
     >  >    >                                [     <  <
  <  +> > >-]<<<<.>>>[<<<<<.>>>>>-]<<<.>>> <<< < . >   >  >
>     < - ] <[>+>+<<-]>>[<<+>>-]<++[<<.>>-]<<<.> > >  <   - ]