home.txt separator by_conspiracy_or_design.js chernobyl.rkt cold_cloud.cc bark.png alone_in_kyoto.hs water.c submarine.ijs compound_eye.rb ants.m flocking.go code_violation.pde blinds.ante clock_in_clock_out.cs firefighting.py irc.py delta_t.bf
                  submarine =: 4 : 0

l =.(0 {y) *(2 &o.( ( 1{y)* (x* 0.2) +(2 {y) *( o.2) ) )
((( ((+/ "2)i) %2)+ 1) %2 ); (( (( (+/"2) l) %2) +1) %2)
                       0 : 0
    :            .               .               
   ,      below the fair and storm weather     :
       wave base, undulations                 ,    
     .  encased in polyethylene,      ,      . 
     ,  stranded steel and jelly:    .
      tri-core alternating current   ;         .
     translating water's circular motion      ,      
  .    into linear power. 
    the phase shifted relay   
         makes Virginia and Devon glow      ,
  ,   like home                           .
   :        or a 60 foot pyrosome   ,          :
    . somewhere inbetween,           .           
.        whose nub sieve dissolves  ,            ,
      scant oxygen down secant slope.                 
 :      at the ceiling, engineers let   ,
,    oscilloscope speech rope out     .       .
      from a roll in the ship's hull.    .       .
  ;      the anchor drops             ,      :
 ,          :   the call               .
msg =:                 3 : 0
           w =. ? (4 4 3 $ 0)
           for_m. i.500 do.
o=.<.((67*(>(0{(m submarine w))))<.67)
d =. <. (( 5* (>(1{(m submarine w))))<. 5)
s=.(<"1(|:(2 3$(i.3),d))){(3 5$'-/|\-~}I{~=<:>=')
         (s o}(68#' '))1!:2[2