home.txt separator by_conspiracy_or_design.js chernobyl.rkt cold_cloud.cc bark.png alone_in_kyoto.hs water.c submarine.ijs compound_eye.rb ants.m flocking.go code_violation.pde blinds.ante clock_in_clock_out.cs firefighting.py irc.py delta_t.bf
import Data.List.Split;import System.Random;import Data.Char;
import Control.Concurrent;e=[-16..9];r=randomRIO(0,1);
d(j,k,a,b)[f,g,h]=max 0$min 7$9*((z$f+b-34-j)+(z$g-w-k))+h-a-35;
m o=v!!(minimum$map(d o)$chunksOf 3$map(fromIntegral.ord)p);
n=[(-5)..73];(&)=undefined;w=37;v="#*\"':,. ";z=abs;
main=(mapM_(\y->mapM(\x->do{a<-r;b<-r;return$m(mod x 32,z y,a,b)
})n>>=putStrLn)e>>threadDelay 1000000>>main);(#)=let{

  _in the heian shrine           it echoed quietly = (&);
  from above i watched        the carp under water = (&);
  school children passed  looking right through me = (&);
  i_ guiltily longed        to understand japanese = (&);
  down the kamo river       side streets were full = (&);
  restaurant balconies       hanging over the edge = (&);
  i thought desperately        you would love this = (&);
  reflected _in _the water   lights in_ the_ trees = (&);
