home.txt separator by_conspiracy_or_design.js alphanumeric.jl chernobyl.rkt cold_cloud.cc bark.png an_avalanche_of_stars.c alone_in_kyoto.hs water.c submarine.ijs iron_lung.bat compound_eye.rb ants.m flocking.go code_violation.pde blinds.ante clock_in_clock_out.cs firefighting.py irc.py delta_t.bf
using           StatsBase

#= some encrypted governmental report on

sasquatch carbon footprints in snowdrift

characters hide behind the disfigured =#
global n,s,a=Weights([36,50,53,54,54,51,
53,51, 50,46,43,42,39,43,38,35,34,33,30,
31,27, 27,24,21,23]*0.01),Weights([0,64,

#= Julia answered the door nine times so

in comes stranger with black highlighter

his eyelids disappearing from footage =#
for _=1:20 d,o,c=sample(1:25,n)*2,"", ""
for __  =  1:d my = sample( 1:15,   s  )
if length(c)+my+1>64 o,c=o*"\n"*c, ""end

#= what's the checksum of lorem ipsum um

I saw a figure in the whited spreadsheet

round its feet a squid ink octothorpe =#
c  *=  " " *    ("#"  ^   my )       end
o      *=         "\n"   *     c
global  a  *=   "\n" * o end
println( a)