__= '[}(({{]){[[)]))[{](}}][)]{})(}(]}'
___,_= {{Wake,up, {late} and {{the, children},
{are, already}, {at, {the, park}}}},
{{{Air, drifts},through, {the, curtains}}
and {there, are, {{8, {hours}},ahead}},
of, {{silence} and {childrens,
laughter }} and {{ the, thermals},
_return, {thoughts}, from, yesterday}}},{}
____= [[=[Open] them [=on [=the [stack]=]=],
[=indented [=[deep]=] in [=long
[symbolic] expressions=] [Each node]
[=[=a [leaf] =] [=folding [open]=]=],
[revealing] [=[ future actions]
so [in winter]=] [=[=you [think]=]
[=the [process]=] will [never end]=]=]]
___=0>0 and (today (the.root) (is.visible).
which.means (slowly ((faithfully))).
the (stack (starts (to. collapse))).
Branches (wrapping. themselves) .in_
((parentheses)). closing and faster(
they.tumble)._until (it.is)-5-PM and
the (children (have.left). the. park))
loadstring("__:gsub('.',function(v)table.insert(_,v)end)for k=1"..
",#_-1 do j=k for i=k+1,#_ do j=_[i]<_[j] and i or j end _[k],_"..
"[j]=_[j],_[k];print(unpack(_));os.execute('sleep 0.1');end")()